Victory over the devil. By becoming acquainted with the Bible, our life will be more rewarding, more fulfilling and victorious! The Lord Jesus promised to restore everything what the devil had stolen and will put him under our feet. Amen.
Focus. Some people assure us that there is no such thing as the devil, but after viewing the evil that is present in the world, simple folk will be excused for asking who is carrying on his business, during his absence. Likewise, many people who do not like the idea of having, any connection with the devil, and yet they have the most intimate connection with him. the devil's accusation "you hate me but you always obey me, you love God but you always disobey Him." While some other kind of people believed that heaven and hell is in this planet earth. If you're happy then you're in heaven, but if you are full of problems, then you are in hell. Does it make sense?
B. Challenge: But heaven and hell are a literal place and not a mere state of mind. The horrible place like hell is not intended for mankind to inhabit. "Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."(Matt. 25:41)
Many for sure, don't want to go to this place of torment, but their feet is marching toward that place. Think about it!
II. Topics to be discuss:
A. Satan's Origin. Read Isaiah 14:12-15, And Ezekiel 28:12-19
1.Satan was originally named Lucifer (literally the light bearer). We presumed that all the angels are created holy and perfect in their ways.
A. Ranks and order in heaven. Apparently various ranks or orders existee in the heavenly host as evidenced by three chief celestial princes: Gabriel, the mighty one, Michael, is like God, Lucifer, son of the morning.
B. The most exalted. Lucifer, the most exalted of all the angels, had occupied a place of prominence , second only to God Himself.
C. The guardian. Vested with every grace & Anointed as the guardian of God's glory, he was delight of the Lord.
D. The beauty. No other angel was more beautiful, wise, or important and free to act as he wished.
E. The corruption. Favored by God with precious gifts and talents. Lucifer, covered those blessings and allowed pride to corrupt his heart.
2. Lucifer, the first sinner. What separated this majestic angel from God? Rebellion, pride and self exaltation overwhelmed his holiness and cause his downfall.
A. The cast out. A created being sought to dethrone the creator! As a penalty he was cast out of heaven with his fallen angels that was transformed to demons.
B. The revenge. Where could this fallen angels go? Here on earth? Yes! To "Revenge" to God.
B. His character. Is indicated by the titles and names by which he is known such as:
1. Adversary. Satan means literally adversary, pictures his malicious and persistent attempts to hinder God's purposes. This opposition was especially manifest in his attempts to thwart God's plan by destroying the chosen line from which the Messiah was to come. (Gen. 3:15). From the very beginning, he has persisted in this effort.
a) Cain. Eve's first son who slew his brother Abel. God gave Eve another son, Seth, became the appointed seed through whom Earth's deliverer should come.
b) From Shem. Noah's son, was descended Abraham, the ancestor of the chosen people, whom God should save the world.
d.) Satan hidden oppositions. Ismael's opposition to Isaac. Esau's attempt to kill Jacob, Pharaoh's oppression of the Israelites.
e) Satan want to destroy the Church in two ways. Firstly, is from within, as he is introducing false teaching. Secondly, from without by persecution.
2. Slanderer. Devil means literally slanderer. Satan is so called Because he slanders both God and man.
3. destroyer. Filled with hatred against the creator and his works, the devil would set himself as the destroyer-god.
4. Serpent. Recalls to our minds the one who of old used serpent as the agent to bring about man's downfall.
5. Tempter. To tempt means literally to try or test, and the term is used also in connection with God's dealings. God test men for their good, to purify and to develop character. Satan tempts them with the intent of destroying them.
6. Prince and the god of this world. These titles suggest his influences over society (homes and families) as organized apart from God's will. The whole world lieth in wickedness in the power of the evil one.
C. Satanic activities
1. Their nature. He is described as being presumptuous, proud, power, malignant, subtle, deceitful, cruel.
2. Their sphere. He is not confining his operations to the wicked and depraved. He often moves in the highest circles as an angel of light. Attend religious gathering and introduces the doctrine of the devils. his agents pose as minister of righteousness.
3. Their motive. Why is Satan so intent on our ruin?a. To revenge. He hates the image of God in us.
b. Humang being. He hates the very human nature-assumed by the Son of God.
c. Our destiny. he hates the happiness to which we are destined, he himself forfeited it forever.
d. Envious spirit. He hates us for a thousand reasons and envies us.
4. Their limitation. While recognizing that Satan is strong, we should be careful not to exaggerate his power. Those who believe and obey in Christ he is already defeated. (John 12:31)
A.) he is strong only to those who yield to him. He is coward. he will flee from you. The power he has but it is limited.
B) God's permission. He can neither tempt, afflict, kill, and nor touch a believer without God's permission.
Conclusion. Although man's heart was intended to be the throne of God, it has now become the palace of Satan. Whereas through the fall, men become the servants of sin, their bodies have become the workshops of Satan. satanic activities in our modern society is very much welcome and accepted by the majority. In our public pre school, our kids are being taught to memorize. "Red, red, the devil is red. Blue blue, the monster is blue. Teachers are showing a picture of the devil smiling and very friendly. During their snacks, kids are eating delicious devil foods. Our young people in our unified school are being recruited as satanic worshippers. News daily are killing, rapes, gangbanging, missing etc. movies, tapes and pornographics, immorality, gay and lesbian, divorces, wife swapping, broken homes, broken marriage, and broken families. Gospel according to Hollywood. In the church, the very own children of the Lord Jesus, you may find sleeping saints, but never sleeping devils. The devil rest not day nor night (24 hrs) but like ravenous lions go about seeking their prey. Now, tell me if there is no devil.